Plotly Tutorial

What is Plotly?

Plotly allows you to create over 40 beautiful interactive web-based visualizations that can be displayed in Jupyter notebooks or saved to HTML files. It is widely used to plot scientific, statistical and financial data. Plotly is free to use unless you want them to host your data for you.


You can install using Anaconda under the environment tab by searching for Plotly. You'll also need Cufflinks and a few other packages that you can install by running : conda install -c conda-forge cufflinks-py in your command line or terminal. Also you can use the commands pip install plotly and pip install cufflinks. Cufflinks connects Plotly to Pandas.



Line Plots

Bar Charts

Scatter Plot

Pie Charts


Box Plots

Violin Plot

Density Heatmap

3D Scatter Plots

3D Line Plots

Scatter Matrix

Map Scatter Plots

Choropleth Maps

Polar Chart

Ternary Plot


Animated Plots
